How To Customize Your Facebook Theme Yourself

“Greasemonkey is a Mozilla Firefox extension that allows users to install scripts that make on-the-fly changes to web page content after or before the page is loaded in the browser”

1. Download the addon from :


 2. After installing the addon you can see a monkey icon on your header bar.

3. Now you have to search for the the scripts for the pages you want to make changes.

4. Visit the link and select the script you want to add and click on install button. and you are done.

5. Check the website that you made changes by enabling the script .

How To Record Every KeyStroke Typed On Android

**root required**

1. Download and install Xposed Module Repository from the link.

2. Open the app and give the requied root permissions.

3.  Now click on the modules option and search for logger module and install the module from the link provided there.

4.  Now restart your phone to activate the  module and you are done!!.

5. To check if the app is working properly goto the default location of app on your sdcard.

6. Now locate key.log file , to read the logs file change the extension from log to txt.

Free Computer Tools Every Expert Should Have

1. Disk tools and data capture
Arsenal Image Mounter :
Mounts disk images as complete disks in Windows, giving access to Volume Shadow Copies, etc.
DumpIt :
Generates physical memory dump of Windows machines, 32 bits 64 bit. Can run from a USB flash drive.
EnCase :
Create EnCase evidence files and EnCase logical evidence files
Encrypted Disk Detector :
Checks local physical drives on a system for TrueCrypt, PGP, or Bitlocker encrypted volumes
EWF MetaEditor :
Edit EWF (E01) meta data, remove passwords (Encase v6 and earlier)
FAT32 Format :
Enables large capacity disks to be formatted as FAT32
Forensics Acquisition of Websites :
Browser designed to forensically capture web pages
FTK Imager :
Imaging tool, disk viewer and image mounter
Guymager :
Multi-threaded GUI imager under running under Linux
Live RAM Capturer :
Extracts RAM dump including that protected by an anti-debugging or anti-dumping system. 32 and 64 bit builds
NetworkMiner :
Network analysis tool. Detects OS, hostname and open ports of network hosts through packet sniffing/PCAP parsing
Nmap :
Utility for network discovery and security auditing
Magnet RAM :
Captures physical memory of a suspect’s computer. Windows XP to Windows 10, and 2003, 2008, 2012. 32 & 64 bit
OSFClone :
Boot utility for CD/DVD or USB flash drives to create dd or AFF images/clones.
OSFMount :
Mounts a wide range of disk images. Also allows creation of RAM disks
Wireshark :
Network protocol capture and analysis
Disk2vhd :
Creates Virtual Hard Disks versions of physical disks for use in Microsoft Virtual PC or Microsoft Hyper-V VMs
2. Email analysis
EDB Viewer :
Open and view (not export) Outlook EDB files without an Exchange server
Mail Viewer :
Viewer for Outlook Express, Windows Mail/Windows Live Mail, Mozilla Thunderbird message databases and single EML files
MBOX Viewer :
View MBOX emails and attachments
OST Viewer  :
Open and view (not export) Outlook OST files without connecting to an Exchange server
PST Viewer  :
Open and view (not export) Outlook PST files without needing Outlook
3. General tools
Agent Ransack :
Search multiple files using Boolean operators and Perl Regex
Computer Forensic Reference Data Sets :
Collated forensic images for training, practice and validation
EvidenceMover :
Copies data between locations, with file comparison, verification, logging
FastCopy :
Self labelled ‘fastest’ copy/delete Windows software. Can verify with SHA-1, etc.
File Signatures :
Table of file signatures
HexBrowser :
Identifies over 1000 file types by examining their signatures
HashMyFiles :
Calculate MD5 and SHA1 hashes
MobaLiveCD :
Run Linux live CDs from their ISO image without having to boot to them
Mouse Jiggler :
Automatically moves mouse pointer stopping screen saver, hibernation etc.
Notepad ++ :
Advanced Notepad replacement
Hash sets of ‘known’ (ignorable) files
Quick Hash :
A Linux & Windows GUI for individual and recursive SHA1 hashing of files
USB Write Blocker :
Enables software write-blocking of USB ports
Volix :
Application that simplifies the use of the Volatility Framework
Windows Forensic Environment :
Guide by Brett Shavers to creating and working with a Windows boot CD
4. File and data analysis
Advanced Prefetch Analyser :
Reads Windows XP,Vista and Windows 7 prefetch files
analyzeMFT :
Parses the MFT from an NTFS file system allowing results to be analysed with other tools
bstrings :
Find strings in binary data, including regular expression searching.
CapAnalysis :
PCAP viewer
Crowd Reponse :
Windows console application to aid gathering of system information for incident response and security engagements.
Crowd Inspect :
Details network processes, listing binaries associated with each process. Queries VirusTotal, other malware repositories & reputation services to produce “at-a-glance” state of the system
DCode :
Converts various data types to date/time values
Defraser :
Detects full and partial multimedia files in unallocated space
eCryptfs Parser :
Recursively parses headers of every eCryptfs file in selected directory. Outputs encryption algorithm used, original file size, signature used, etc.
Encryption Analyzer :
Scans a computer for password-protected & encrypted files, reports encryption complexity and decryption options for each file
ExifTool :
Read, write and edit Exif data in a large number of file types
File Identifier :
Drag and drop web-browser JavaScript tool for identification of over 2000 file types
Forensic Image Viewer :
View various picture formats, image enhancer, extraction of embedded Exif, GPS data
Ghiro :
In-depth analysis of image (picture) files
Highlighter :
Examine log files using text, graphic or histogram views
Link Parser :
Recursively parses folders extracting 30+ attributes from Windows .lnk (shortcut) files
LiveContactsView :
View and export Windows Live Messenger contact details
PECmd :
Prefetch Explorer
PlatformAuditProbe :
Command Line Windows forensic/ incident response tool that collects many artefacts. Manual
RSA Netwitness Investigator :
Network packet capture and analysis!freeware
Memoryze :
Acquire and/or analyse RAM images, including the page file on live systems
MetaExtractor :
Recursively parses folders to extract meta data from MS Office, OpenOffice and PDF files
MFTview :
Displays and decodes contents of an extracted MFT file
PictureBox :
Lists EXIF, and where available, GPS data for all photographs present in a directory. Export data to .xls or Google Earth KML format
PsTools :
Suite of command-line Windows utilities
Shadow Explorer :
Browse and extract files from shadow copies
SQLite Manager :
Firefox add-on enabling viewing of any SQLite
Strings :
Command-line tool for text searches
Structured Storage Viewer :
View and manage MS OLE Structured Storage based files
Switch-a-Roo :
Text replacement/converter/decoder for when dealing with URL encoding, etc
Windows File Analyzer :
Analyse thumbs.db, Prefetch, INFO2 and .lnk files
Xplico :
Network forensics analysis tool
5. Mac OS tools
Audit :
Audit Preference Pane and Log Reader for OS X
ChainBreaker :
Parses keychain structure, extracting user’s confidential information such as application account/password, encrypted volume password (e.g. filevault), etc
Disk Arbitrator :
Blocks the mounting of file systems, complimenting a write blocker in disabling disk arbitration
Epoch Converter :
Converts epoch times to local time and UTC
FTK Imager CLI for Mac OS :
Command line Mac OS version of AccessData’s FTK Imager
IORegInfo :
Lists items connected to the computer (e.g., SATA, USB and FireWire Drives, software RAID sets). Can locate partition information, including sizes, types, and the bus to which the device is connected
PMAP Info :
Displays the physical partitioning of the specified device. Can be used to map out all the drive information, accounting for all used sectors
Volafox :
Memory forensic toolkit for Mac OS X
6. Mobile devices
iPBA2 :
Explore iOS backups
iPhone Analyzer :
Explore the internal file structure of Pad, iPod and iPhones
ivMeta :
Extracts phone model and software version and created date and GPS data from iPhone videos.
Last SIM Details :
Parses physical flash dumps and Nokia PM records to find details of previously inserted SIM cards.
Rubus :
Deconstructs Blackberry .ipd backup files
Obtain SMS Messages, call logs and contacts from Android devices
7. Data analysis suites
Autopsy :
Graphical interface to the command line digital investigation analysis tools in The Sleuth Kit (see below)
Backtrack :
Penetration testing and security audit with forensic boot capability
Caine :
Linux based live CD, featuring a number of analysis tools
Deft :
Linux based live CD, featuring a number of analysis tools
Digital Forensics Framework :
Analyses volumes, file systems, user and applications data, extracting metadata, deleted and hidden items
Forensic Scanner :
Automates ‘repetitive tasks of data collection’. Fuller description here
Paladin :
Ubuntu based live boot CD for imaging and analysis
VMware Appliance pre-configured with multiple tools allowing digital forensic examinations
The Sleuth Kit :
Collection of UNIX-based command line file and volume system forensic analysis tools
Volatility Framework :
Collection of tools for the extraction of artefacts from RAM
8. Internet analysis
MozillaHistoryView :
Reads the history.dat of Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape Web browsers, and displays the list of all visited Web page
MyLastSearch :
Extracts search queries made with popular search engines (Google, Yahoo and MSN) and social networking sites (Twitter, Facebook, MySpace)
PasswordFox :
Extracts the user names and passwords stored by Mozilla Firefox Web browser
OperaCacheView :
Reads the cache folder of Opera Web browser, and displays the list of all files currently stored in the cache
OperaPassView :
Decrypts the content of the Opera Web browser password file, wand.dat
Web Historian :
Reviews list of URLs stored in the history files of the most commonly used browsers
Web Page Saver :
Takes list of URLs saving scrolling captures of each page. Produces HTML report file containing the saved pages
9. Registry analysis
AppCompatCache Parser :
Dumps list of shimcache entries showing which executables were run and their modification dates. Further details.
ForensicUserInfo :
Extracts user information from the SAM, SOFTWARE and SYSTEM hives files and decrypts the LM/NT hashes from the SAM file
Process Monitor :
Examine Windows processes and registry threads in real time
RECmd :
Command line access to offline Registry hives. Supports simple & regular expression searches as well as searching by last write timestamp. Further details.
Registry Decoder :
For the acquisition, analysis, and reporting of registry contents
Registry Explorer :
Offline Registry viewer. Provides deleted artefact recovery, value slack support, and robust searching. Further details.
RegRipper :
Registry data extraction and correlation tool
Regshot :
Takes snapshots of the registry allowing comparisons e.g., show registry changes after installing software
ShellBags Explorer  :
Presents visual representation of what a user’s directory structure looked like. Additionally exposes various timestamps (e.g., first explored, last explored for a given folder. Further details.
USB Device Forensics :
Details previously attached USB devices on exported registry hives
USB Historian :
Displays 20+ attributes relating to USB device use on Windows systems
USBDeview :
Details previously attached USB devices
User Assist Analysis :
Extracts SID, User Names, Indexes, Application Names, Run Counts, Session, and Last Run Time Attributes from UserAssist keys
UserAssist :
Displays list of programs run, with run count and last run date and time
Windows Registry Recovery :
Extracts configuration settings and other information from the Registry
10. Application analysis
Dropbox Decryptor :
Decrypts the Dropbox filecache.dbx file which stores information about files that have been synced to the cloud using Dropbox
Google Maps Tile Investigator :
Takes x,y,z coordinates found in a tile filename and downloads surrounding tiles providing more context
KaZAlyser :
Extracts various data from the KaZaA application
LiveContactsView :
View and export Windows Live Messenger contact details
SkypeLogView :
View Skype calls and chats

How do I hack WiFi from an Android without rooting?

1. First of all you need to install this application WIFI WPS WPA TESTER in your android.

2. Now simply launch the app from app drawer and you will see app will start scanning all the wifi networks around you.

3.Now when you get the network with green lock sign at right then simply tap on that network.Now a info popup will appear and there simply click on connect option.

4.Now on the next popup you will have two option Root or No root. Now simply select the NO ROOT method there.

5.Now on the next popup you will see list of Pin which will help to get into the wifi networks, choose one of them and select Connect(root) option.Now pin attack will start and it will take some seconds to complete.

6.That’s it you’re done, now you have the wifi password of the network and can easily use it to connect to that network with any of the device that you have. 

Install Windows XP In 10Minutes

  • As the copying part is done and this type of window appears.
  •  Press "Shift + F10 " keys this will open command prompt.
  • Now type taskmgr in it. It will open the Task manager .
  • After the task manager opens goto processes and find "Setup.exe" process and right click on it  and set the priority to highest.
  •  It will now take around 9 minutes to completely install windows system.

Turn Your Phone Into A Mouse Or Keyboard For Your Desktop

  • Download and install the Intel Remote Keyboard Host on your Windows PC. You will need to choose x86 or x64 depending on your Windows.

  • On your Android phone, tap the Windows device name.

  • Your Windows PC will now show a large QR code. Just scan it with your Android phone’s camera (following the on-screen instructions) and the two devices will be paired.
  • Make sure your Android and Windows devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

Devices That Make Your Phone Smartphone

Connect USB Fan with Android Mobile

Connect USB Selfie Flash LED Light with your android phone

Connect USB Keyboard with your Android Mobile

Use your mouse instead of using the touch screen

Use any USB gamepad and play games on Android

Connect External WiFi Card Reader to your Android Phone

Use your LAN connection to connect to Internet on Android Device

Print directly from your smartphone

Move files between your USB stick and Android device.

Connect Two Android MobilesCharging

How To Find Your Friends Location And Track Them

1. Using a command console

On a PC, click on Start, then "All Programs", then Accessories, and then Command Prompt. 

Type "ping [URL]" example: ping 

This sends a signal out to a URL which then bounces back with the website information attached, and how long the round trip took.

2.Using their email address

Visit the link

Enter your email address below and click "Get Link" 

Send someone the innocent looking link provided to you 

when that person clicks the link, a hidden script will email you their IP address and geo targeting location!

How to Hide Your IP Adderess Over THe Internet

Changing or hiding your IP address is one of the biggest concerns of all the hackers. The IP Address can reveal your identity, it’s your online address.
If anyone can find your actual online address (IP Address), tracing it back to you wouldn’t be that difficult. Thus, it’s very important to hide or change your IP address before doing any kind of hacking attack.
One of the best method to hide ip adderss is through proxies there are many things you guys might not know:

1.Free proxies are not completely anonymous, your IP can be disclosed by the website owner to the authorities, if needed.

2.Companies limit the maximum speed of browsing in free proxies.

3.Webmasters can block users accessing free proxies.

4.Proxies can be used to surf blocked sites.

5.Proxies provide a tunnel like network straight from client to server.
You can go to various online proxy sites like hide my ass, Kproxy ,hideme etc.

Basic Applications For Hacking With Android

#1 Hackode
Hackode : The hacker’s Toolbox is an application for penetration tester, Ethical hackers, IT administrator and Cyber security professional to perform different tasks like reconnaissance, scanning performing exploits etc.

#2 Androrat
Remote Administration Tool for Android. Androrat is a client/server application developed in Java Android for the client side and in Java/Swing for the Server.

#3 APKInspector
APKinspector is a powerful GUI tool for analysts to analyse the Android applications. The goal of this project is to aide analysts and reverse engineers to visualize compiled Android packages and their corresponding DEX code.

#4 DroidBox
DroidBox is developed to offer dynamic analysis of Android applications.

#5 Burp Suite
Burp Suite is an integrated platform for performing security testing of web applications. Its various tools work seamlessly together to support the entire testing process, from initial mapping and analysis of an application’s attack surface, through to finding and exploiting security vulnerabilities.

#6 ZanTi
zANTI is a comprehensive network diagnostics toolkit that enables complex audits and penetration tests at the push of a button. It provides cloud-based reporting that walks you through simple guidelines to ensure network safety.

#7 Droid Sheep
DroidSheep can be easily used by anybody who has an Android device and only the provider of the web service can protect the users. So Anybody can test the security of his account by himself and can decide whether to keep on using the web service.

#8 dSploit
dSploit is an Android network analysis and penetration suite which aims to offer to IT security experts/geeks the most complete and advanced professional toolkit to perform network security assessments on a mobile device.

#9 Arpspoof
Arpspoof is a tool for network auditing originally written by Dug Song as a part of his dsniff package. This app redirects traffic on the local network by forging ARP replies and sending them to either a specific target or all the hosts on the local network paths.

#10 Shark for Root
Traffic sniffer, works on 3G and WiFi (works on FroYo tethered mode too). To open dump use WireShark or similar software, for preview dump on phone use Shark Reader. Based on tcpdump.

#11 Nmap for Android
Nmap (network mapper) is one the best among different network scanner (port finder) tool, Nmap mainly developed for Unix OS but now it is available on Windows and Android as well. Nmap for android is a Nmap apps for your phone! Once your scan finishes you can e-mail the results. This application is not a official apps but it looks good.

So above is all about Latest Android Hacking Apps 2016
Latest Android hacking apps in 2016,Best Android Hacking Apps 2016,android hacking apps,10 Android Hacking apps,Latest Hacking,hacking tricks and tips.

Best methods to stay anonymous on Internet

 Simple ways to protect your identity and stay anonymous online.

1) Avoid Social Media Sites
I know what you’re thinking. Social media is extremely popular in today’s world. But, with this popularity also comes the countless scams and other numerous nasty bugs and leaks – especially on sites like Facebook and Twitter where you don’t hesitate to share your sensitive information. So, the best way is to just delete your account and keep yourself safe. But, if you must use social media, make sure you tweak and adjust all available options and security settings to protect your privacy as much as possible.

2) VPN
A VPN is a very effective way to encrypt your identity. This virtual private network provides you with an alternative IP address that lets your traffic be untraceable to your device. It can also help you gain access to some restricted websites in your area.

3) Alternative Search Engines Preferred
If you’re a conscious user and not ready to compromise your privacy, then it’s time to change your search engine. It’s because the most popular ones extract a lot of information about you and your browsing preferences. They give you good speed, but not security.

 4) Delete Cookies
It’s a fact that cookies help to trace your activities online. Websites use cookies, which are downloaded on your device. You need to manually clean them from the settings of your browser in order to wipe off all traces of your online activities.

5) Email Security
Everyone has an webmail email account these days with service providers like Google, Yahoo, etc. But, these are not entirely secure and extensions are needed to increase the security. For example, Google mail users can use SecureGmail for the privacy of their emails.

6) Secure Protocol Websites
Websites with the https:// protocol offer a secure connection, which means your connection is encrypted. Still, many websites have not yet adopted this secure protocol. You can have the HTTPS Everywhere extension, which keeps you away from unsecured connections.

7) Password Strength
Authentication is facilitated with the help of passwords. If you want your personal information and accounts to be secure, you need to use a strong password, which will not be easy to remember. For this, you need a password manager where you can store all your passwords and use just one master password for access.

8) Private Mode Browsing
If you’re browsing using one of the browsers like Chrome, IE or Firefox, storing of cookies on visiting a site each time can be avoided by just browsing in private mode.

9) The Onion Router (TOR)
TOR is a network used for improved online security by providing anonymous tunnels. The TOR browser was initially designed for the US military and makes it difficult to track activities on the web. This browser sometimes get slow and beginners might have difficulty adjusting to it at first.

 10) Secure OS
The choice of operating system remains a challenge when it comes to security. Some operating systems like Whonix guard your privacy. It’s designed based on the TOR network and security is its main priority. The best part is, it’s free.